Early Literacy
Programs, unless otherwise noted, are free and open to the public. The Early Literacy schedule may change during the summer months. Registration may be required. For the most current listing of our events, please visit our online calendar and/or register here for our e-newsletter!
Toddler Time - Mondays @ 10 am
Toddler Time features stories, rhymes, songs, and interactive activities designed to get babies and toddlers acclimated to loving the library. Big siblings are welcome to join in the fun!
Preschool Story Time - Thursdays @ 10 am
​Designed for kiddos aged 3-5 but open to all, preschool story time is a half hour of books, songs, and activities followed by a craft.
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Early literacy skills have a lifelong impact on educational and occupational success. The most important predictor of school success is being read to at home during early childhood. You do not need to live in Ely to register your child(ren) for this free and fun initiative. Stop by the circtualtion desk for your welcome kit and get started today!
Traveling Tales
Traveling Tales is our outreach early literacy program for daycares and preschools in our area. We bring story time to you and deliver a tub of books for each classroom!

Get FREE BOOKS for your child! Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library mails free high-quality, age-appropriate books to children from birth to age five! The Ely, Iowa, Friends of the Public Library partnership with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library ensures all children in our community, with a mailing zip code of 52227, can have a great selection of books at home.
Sign up for this new partnership in-person at the library or online here
Various Year Round Programming
We always have a lot of fun activities planned year round! Special visits from authors, zoos, entertainers, gingerbread decorating and more! Be sure to keep up to date on all we have offering by liking and following our Facebook page!